Source code for dagger.api.gen

# Code generated by dagger. DO NOT EDIT.

from import Sequence
from typing import Optional

import attrs

from dagger.api.base import Arg, Enum, Input, Root, Scalar, Type, typecheck

[docs]class CacheID(Scalar): """A global cache volume identifier."""
[docs]class ContainerID(Scalar): """A unique container identifier. Null designates an empty container (scratch)."""
[docs]class DirectoryID(Scalar): """A content-addressed directory identifier."""
[docs]class FileID(Scalar): """A file identifier."""
[docs]class Platform(Scalar): """The platform config OS and architecture in a Container. The format is [os]/[platform]/[version] (e.g., "darwin/arm64/v7", "windows/amd64", "linux/arm64")."""
[docs]class ProjectCommandID(Scalar): """A unique project command identifier."""
[docs]class ProjectID(Scalar): """A unique project identifier."""
[docs]class SecretID(Scalar): """A unique identifier for a secret."""
[docs]class SocketID(Scalar): """A content-addressed socket identifier."""
[docs]class CacheSharingMode(Enum): """Sharing mode of the cache volume.""" LOCKED = "LOCKED" """Shares the cache volume amongst many build pipelines, but will serialize the writes """ PRIVATE = "PRIVATE" """Keeps a cache volume for a single build pipeline""" SHARED = "SHARED" """Shares the cache volume amongst many build pipelines"""
[docs]class ImageLayerCompression(Enum): """Compression algorithm to use for image layers""" EStarGZ = "EStarGZ" Gzip = "Gzip" Uncompressed = "Uncompressed" Zstd = "Zstd"
[docs]class NetworkProtocol(Enum): """Transport layer network protocol associated to a port.""" TCP = "TCP" """TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)""" UDP = "UDP" """UDP (User Datagram Protocol)"""
[docs]@attrs.define class BuildArg(Input): """Key value object that represents a build argument.""" name: str """The build argument name.""" value: str """The build argument value."""
[docs]@attrs.define class PipelineLabel(Input): """Key value object that represents a Pipeline label.""" name: str """Label name.""" value: str """Label value."""
[docs]class CacheVolume(Type): """A directory whose contents persist across runs."""
[docs] @typecheck async def id(self) -> CacheID: """Note ---- This is lazyly evaluated, no operation is actually run. Returns ------- CacheID A global cache volume identifier. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("id", _args) return await _ctx.execute(CacheID)
[docs]class Container(Type): """An OCI-compatible container, also known as a docker container."""
[docs] @typecheck def build( self, context: "Directory", dockerfile: Optional[str] = None, build_args: Optional[Sequence[BuildArg]] = None, target: Optional[str] = None, secrets: Optional[Sequence["Secret"]] = None, ) -> "Container": """Initializes this container from a Dockerfile build. Parameters ---------- context: Directory context used by the Dockerfile. dockerfile: Path to the Dockerfile to use. Default: './Dockerfile'. build_args: Additional build arguments. target: Target build stage to build. secrets: Secrets to pass to the build. They will be mounted at /run/secrets/[secret-name]. """ _args = [ Arg("context", context), Arg("dockerfile", dockerfile, None), Arg("buildArgs", build_args, None), Arg("target", target, None), Arg("secrets", secrets, None), ] _ctx = self._select("build", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck async def default_args(self) -> Optional[list[str]]: """Retrieves default arguments for future commands. Returns ------- Optional[list[str]] The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("defaultArgs", _args) return await _ctx.execute(Optional[list[str]])
[docs] @typecheck def directory(self, path: str) -> "Directory": """Retrieves a directory at the given path. Mounts are included. Parameters ---------- path: The path of the directory to retrieve (e.g., "./src"). """ _args = [ Arg("path", path), ] _ctx = self._select("directory", _args) return Directory(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck async def endpoint( self, port: Optional[int] = None, scheme: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: """Retrieves an endpoint that clients can use to reach this container. If no port is specified, the first exposed port is used. If none exist an error is returned. If a scheme is specified, a URL is returned. Otherwise, a host:port pair is returned. Currently experimental; set _EXPERIMENTAL_DAGGER_SERVICES_DNS=0 to disable. Parameters ---------- port: The exposed port number for the endpoint scheme: Return a URL with the given scheme, eg. http for http:// Returns ------- str The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args = [ Arg("port", port, None), Arg("scheme", scheme, None), ] _ctx = self._select("endpoint", _args) return await _ctx.execute(str)
[docs] @typecheck async def entrypoint(self) -> Optional[list[str]]: """Retrieves entrypoint to be prepended to the arguments of all commands. Returns ------- Optional[list[str]] The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("entrypoint", _args) return await _ctx.execute(Optional[list[str]])
[docs] @typecheck async def env_variable(self, name: str) -> Optional[str]: """Retrieves the value of the specified environment variable. Parameters ---------- name: The name of the environment variable to retrieve (e.g., "PATH"). Returns ------- Optional[str] The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args = [ Arg("name", name), ] _ctx = self._select("envVariable", _args) return await _ctx.execute(Optional[str])
[docs] @typecheck def env_variables(self) -> "EnvVariable": """Retrieves the list of environment variables passed to commands.""" _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("envVariables", _args) return EnvVariable(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def exec( self, args: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, stdin: Optional[str] = None, redirect_stdout: Optional[str] = None, redirect_stderr: Optional[str] = None, experimental_privileged_nesting: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> "Container": """Retrieves this container after executing the specified command inside it. .. deprecated:: Replaced by :py:meth:`with_exec`. Parameters ---------- args: Command to run instead of the container's default command (e.g., ["run", "main.go"]). stdin: Content to write to the command's standard input before closing (e.g., "Hello world"). redirect_stdout: Redirect the command's standard output to a file in the container (e.g., "/tmp/stdout"). redirect_stderr: Redirect the command's standard error to a file in the container (e.g., "/tmp/stderr"). experimental_privileged_nesting: Provide dagger access to the executed command. Do not use this option unless you trust the command being executed. The command being executed WILL BE GRANTED FULL ACCESS TO YOUR HOST FILESYSTEM. """ _args = [ Arg("args", args, None), Arg("stdin", stdin, None), Arg("redirectStdout", redirect_stdout, None), Arg("redirectStderr", redirect_stderr, None), Arg("experimentalPrivilegedNesting", experimental_privileged_nesting, None), ] _ctx = self._select("exec", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck async def exit_code(self) -> int: """Exit code of the last executed command. Zero means success. Will execute default command if none is set, or error if there's no default. Returns ------- int The `Int` scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("exitCode", _args) return await _ctx.execute(int)
[docs] @typecheck async def export( self, path: str, platform_variants: Optional[Sequence["Container"]] = None, forced_compression: Optional[ImageLayerCompression] = None, ) -> bool: """Writes the container as an OCI tarball to the destination file path on the host for the specified platform variants. Return true on success. It can also publishes platform variants. Parameters ---------- path: Host's destination path (e.g., "./tarball"). Path can be relative to the engine's workdir or absolute. platform_variants: Identifiers for other platform specific containers. Used for multi-platform image. forced_compression: Force each layer of the exported image to use the specified compression algorithm. If this is unset, then if a layer already has a compressed blob in the engine's cache, that will be used (this can result in a mix of compression algorithms for different layers). If this is unset and a layer has no compressed blob in the engine's cache, then it will be compressed using Gzip. Returns ------- bool The `Boolean` scalar type represents `true` or `false`. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args = [ Arg("path", path), Arg("platformVariants", platform_variants, None), Arg("forcedCompression", forced_compression, None), ] _ctx = self._select("export", _args) return await _ctx.execute(bool)
[docs] @typecheck def exposed_ports(self) -> "Port": """Retrieves the list of exposed ports. Currently experimental; set _EXPERIMENTAL_DAGGER_SERVICES_DNS=0 to disable. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("exposedPorts", _args) return Port(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def file(self, path: str) -> "File": """Retrieves a file at the given path. Mounts are included. Parameters ---------- path: The path of the file to retrieve (e.g., "./"). """ _args = [ Arg("path", path), ] _ctx = self._select("file", _args) return File(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def from_(self, address: str) -> "Container": """Initializes this container from a pulled base image. Parameters ---------- address: Image's address from its registry. Formatted as [host]/[user]/[repo]:[tag] (e.g., ""). """ _args = [ Arg("address", address), ] _ctx = self._select("from", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def fs(self) -> "Directory": """Retrieves this container's root filesystem. Mounts are not included. .. deprecated:: Replaced by :py:meth:`rootfs`. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("fs", _args) return Directory(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck async def hostname(self) -> str: """Retrieves a hostname which can be used by clients to reach this container. Currently experimental; set _EXPERIMENTAL_DAGGER_SERVICES_DNS=0 to disable. Returns ------- str The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("hostname", _args) return await _ctx.execute(str)
[docs] @typecheck async def id(self) -> ContainerID: """A unique identifier for this container. Note ---- This is lazyly evaluated, no operation is actually run. Returns ------- ContainerID A unique container identifier. Null designates an empty container (scratch). Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("id", _args) return await _ctx.execute(ContainerID)
[docs] @typecheck async def image_ref(self) -> Optional[str]: """The unique image reference which can only be retrieved immediately after the 'Container.From' call. Returns ------- Optional[str] The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("imageRef", _args) return await _ctx.execute(Optional[str])
[docs] @typecheck def import_( self, source: "File", tag: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "Container": """Reads the container from an OCI tarball. NOTE: this involves unpacking the tarball to an OCI store on the host at $XDG_CACHE_DIR/dagger/oci. This directory can be removed whenever you like. Parameters ---------- source: File to read the container from. tag: Identifies the tag to import from the archive, if the archive bundles multiple tags. """ _args = [ Arg("source", source), Arg("tag", tag, None), ] _ctx = self._select("import", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck async def label(self, name: str) -> Optional[str]: """Retrieves the value of the specified label. Returns ------- Optional[str] The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args = [ Arg("name", name), ] _ctx = self._select("label", _args) return await _ctx.execute(Optional[str])
[docs] @typecheck def labels(self) -> "Label": """Retrieves the list of labels passed to container.""" _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("labels", _args) return Label(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck async def mounts(self) -> list[str]: """Retrieves the list of paths where a directory is mounted. Returns ------- list[str] The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("mounts", _args) return await _ctx.execute(list[str])
[docs] @typecheck def pipeline( self, name: str, description: Optional[str] = None, labels: Optional[Sequence[PipelineLabel]] = None, ) -> "Container": """Creates a named sub-pipeline Parameters ---------- name: Pipeline name. description: Pipeline description. labels: Pipeline labels. """ _args = [ Arg("name", name), Arg("description", description, None), Arg("labels", labels, None), ] _ctx = self._select("pipeline", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck async def platform(self) -> Platform: """The platform this container executes and publishes as. Returns ------- Platform The platform config OS and architecture in a Container. The format is [os]/[platform]/[version] (e.g., "darwin/arm64/v7", "windows/amd64", "linux/arm64"). Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("platform", _args) return await _ctx.execute(Platform)
[docs] @typecheck async def publish( self, address: str, platform_variants: Optional[Sequence["Container"]] = None, forced_compression: Optional[ImageLayerCompression] = None, ) -> str: """Publishes this container as a new image to the specified address. Publish returns a fully qualified ref. It can also publish platform variants. Parameters ---------- address: Registry's address to publish the image to. Formatted as [host]/[user]/[repo]:[tag] (e.g. ""). platform_variants: Identifiers for other platform specific containers. Used for multi-platform image. forced_compression: Force each layer of the published image to use the specified compression algorithm. If this is unset, then if a layer already has a compressed blob in the engine's cache, that will be used (this can result in a mix of compression algorithms for different layers). If this is unset and a layer has no compressed blob in the engine's cache, then it will be compressed using Gzip. Returns ------- str The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args = [ Arg("address", address), Arg("platformVariants", platform_variants, None), Arg("forcedCompression", forced_compression, None), ] _ctx = self._select("publish", _args) return await _ctx.execute(str)
[docs] @typecheck def rootfs(self) -> "Directory": """Retrieves this container's root filesystem. Mounts are not included.""" _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("rootfs", _args) return Directory(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck async def stderr(self) -> str: """The error stream of the last executed command. Will execute default command if none is set, or error if there's no default. Returns ------- str The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("stderr", _args) return await _ctx.execute(str)
[docs] @typecheck async def stdout(self) -> str: """The output stream of the last executed command. Will execute default command if none is set, or error if there's no default. Returns ------- str The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("stdout", _args) return await _ctx.execute(str)
[docs] @typecheck async def sync(self) -> "Container": """Forces evaluation of the pipeline in the engine. It doesn't run the default command if no exec has been set. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("sync", _args) await _ctx.execute() return self
def __await__(self): return self.sync().__await__()
[docs] @typecheck async def user(self) -> Optional[str]: """Retrieves the user to be set for all commands. Returns ------- Optional[str] The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("user", _args) return await _ctx.execute(Optional[str])
[docs] @typecheck def with_default_args( self, args: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ) -> "Container": """Configures default arguments for future commands. Parameters ---------- args: Arguments to prepend to future executions (e.g., ["-v", "--no- cache"]). """ _args = [ Arg("args", args, None), ] _ctx = self._select("withDefaultArgs", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def with_directory( self, path: str, directory: "Directory", exclude: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, include: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, owner: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "Container": """Retrieves this container plus a directory written at the given path. Parameters ---------- path: Location of the written directory (e.g., "/tmp/directory"). directory: Identifier of the directory to write exclude: Patterns to exclude in the written directory (e.g., ["node_modules/**", ".gitignore", ".git/"]). include: Patterns to include in the written directory (e.g., ["*.go", "go.mod", "go.sum"]). owner: A user:group to set for the directory and its contents. The user and group can either be an ID (1000:1000) or a name (foo:bar). If the group is omitted, it defaults to the same as the user. """ _args = [ Arg("path", path), Arg("directory", directory), Arg("exclude", exclude, None), Arg("include", include, None), Arg("owner", owner, None), ] _ctx = self._select("withDirectory", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def with_entrypoint(self, args: Sequence[str]) -> "Container": """Retrieves this container but with a different command entrypoint. Parameters ---------- args: Entrypoint to use for future executions (e.g., ["go", "run"]). """ _args = [ Arg("args", args), ] _ctx = self._select("withEntrypoint", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def with_env_variable( self, name: str, value: str, expand: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> "Container": """Retrieves this container plus the given environment variable. Parameters ---------- name: The name of the environment variable (e.g., "HOST"). value: The value of the environment variable. (e.g., "localhost"). expand: Replace ${VAR} or $VAR in the value according to the current environment variables defined in the container (e.g., "/opt/bin:$PATH"). """ _args = [ Arg("name", name), Arg("value", value), Arg("expand", expand, None), ] _ctx = self._select("withEnvVariable", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def with_exec( self, args: Sequence[str], skip_entrypoint: Optional[bool] = None, stdin: Optional[str] = None, redirect_stdout: Optional[str] = None, redirect_stderr: Optional[str] = None, experimental_privileged_nesting: Optional[bool] = None, insecure_root_capabilities: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> "Container": """Retrieves this container after executing the specified command inside it. Parameters ---------- args: Command to run instead of the container's default command (e.g., ["run", "main.go"]). If empty, the container's default command is used. skip_entrypoint: If the container has an entrypoint, ignore it for args rather than using it to wrap them. stdin: Content to write to the command's standard input before closing (e.g., "Hello world"). redirect_stdout: Redirect the command's standard output to a file in the container (e.g., "/tmp/stdout"). redirect_stderr: Redirect the command's standard error to a file in the container (e.g., "/tmp/stderr"). experimental_privileged_nesting: Provides dagger access to the executed command. Do not use this option unless you trust the command being executed. The command being executed WILL BE GRANTED FULL ACCESS TO YOUR HOST FILESYSTEM. insecure_root_capabilities: Execute the command with all root capabilities. This is similar to running a command with "sudo" or executing `docker run` with the `--privileged` flag. Containerization does not provide any security guarantees when using this option. It should only be used when absolutely necessary and only with trusted commands. """ _args = [ Arg("args", args), Arg("skipEntrypoint", skip_entrypoint, None), Arg("stdin", stdin, None), Arg("redirectStdout", redirect_stdout, None), Arg("redirectStderr", redirect_stderr, None), Arg("experimentalPrivilegedNesting", experimental_privileged_nesting, None), Arg("insecureRootCapabilities", insecure_root_capabilities, None), ] _ctx = self._select("withExec", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def with_exposed_port( self, port: int, protocol: Optional[NetworkProtocol] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "Container": """Expose a network port. Exposed ports serve two purposes: - For health checks and introspection, when running services - For setting the EXPOSE OCI field when publishing the container Currently experimental; set _EXPERIMENTAL_DAGGER_SERVICES_DNS=0 to disable. Parameters ---------- port: Port number to expose protocol: Transport layer network protocol description: Optional port description """ _args = [ Arg("port", port), Arg("protocol", protocol, None), Arg("description", description, None), ] _ctx = self._select("withExposedPort", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def with_fs(self, id: "Directory") -> "Container": """Initializes this container from this DirectoryID. .. deprecated:: Replaced by :py:meth:`with_rootfs`. """ _args = [ Arg("id", id), ] _ctx = self._select("withFS", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def with_file( self, path: str, source: "File", permissions: Optional[int] = None, owner: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "Container": """Retrieves this container plus the contents of the given file copied to the given path. Parameters ---------- path: Location of the copied file (e.g., "/tmp/file.txt"). source: Identifier of the file to copy. permissions: Permission given to the copied file (e.g., 0600). Default: 0644. owner: A user:group to set for the file. The user and group can either be an ID (1000:1000) or a name (foo:bar). If the group is omitted, it defaults to the same as the user. """ _args = [ Arg("path", path), Arg("source", source), Arg("permissions", permissions, None), Arg("owner", owner, None), ] _ctx = self._select("withFile", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def with_label(self, name: str, value: str) -> "Container": """Retrieves this container plus the given label. Parameters ---------- name: The name of the label (e.g., "org.opencontainers.artifact.created"). value: The value of the label (e.g., "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z"). """ _args = [ Arg("name", name), Arg("value", value), ] _ctx = self._select("withLabel", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def with_mounted_cache( self, path: str, cache: CacheVolume, source: Optional["Directory"] = None, sharing: Optional[CacheSharingMode] = None, owner: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "Container": """Retrieves this container plus a cache volume mounted at the given path. Parameters ---------- path: Location of the cache directory (e.g., "/cache/node_modules"). cache: Identifier of the cache volume to mount. source: Identifier of the directory to use as the cache volume's root. sharing: Sharing mode of the cache volume. owner: A user:group to set for the mounted cache directory. Note that this changes the ownership of the specified mount along with the initial filesystem provided by source (if any). It does not have any effect if/when the cache has already been created. The user and group can either be an ID (1000:1000) or a name (foo:bar). If the group is omitted, it defaults to the same as the user. """ _args = [ Arg("path", path), Arg("cache", cache), Arg("source", source, None), Arg("sharing", sharing, None), Arg("owner", owner, None), ] _ctx = self._select("withMountedCache", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def with_mounted_directory( self, path: str, source: "Directory", owner: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "Container": """Retrieves this container plus a directory mounted at the given path. Parameters ---------- path: Location of the mounted directory (e.g., "/mnt/directory"). source: Identifier of the mounted directory. owner: A user:group to set for the mounted directory and its contents. The user and group can either be an ID (1000:1000) or a name (foo:bar). If the group is omitted, it defaults to the same as the user. """ _args = [ Arg("path", path), Arg("source", source), Arg("owner", owner, None), ] _ctx = self._select("withMountedDirectory", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def with_mounted_file( self, path: str, source: "File", owner: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "Container": """Retrieves this container plus a file mounted at the given path. Parameters ---------- path: Location of the mounted file (e.g., "/tmp/file.txt"). source: Identifier of the mounted file. owner: A user or user:group to set for the mounted file. The user and group can either be an ID (1000:1000) or a name (foo:bar). If the group is omitted, it defaults to the same as the user. """ _args = [ Arg("path", path), Arg("source", source), Arg("owner", owner, None), ] _ctx = self._select("withMountedFile", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def with_mounted_secret( self, path: str, source: "Secret", owner: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "Container": """Retrieves this container plus a secret mounted into a file at the given path. Parameters ---------- path: Location of the secret file (e.g., "/tmp/secret.txt"). source: Identifier of the secret to mount. owner: A user:group to set for the mounted secret. The user and group can either be an ID (1000:1000) or a name (foo:bar). If the group is omitted, it defaults to the same as the user. """ _args = [ Arg("path", path), Arg("source", source), Arg("owner", owner, None), ] _ctx = self._select("withMountedSecret", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def with_mounted_temp(self, path: str) -> "Container": """Retrieves this container plus a temporary directory mounted at the given path. Parameters ---------- path: Location of the temporary directory (e.g., "/tmp/temp_dir"). """ _args = [ Arg("path", path), ] _ctx = self._select("withMountedTemp", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def with_new_file( self, path: str, contents: Optional[str] = None, permissions: Optional[int] = None, owner: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "Container": """Retrieves this container plus a new file written at the given path. Parameters ---------- path: Location of the written file (e.g., "/tmp/file.txt"). contents: Content of the file to write (e.g., "Hello world!"). permissions: Permission given to the written file (e.g., 0600). Default: 0644. owner: A user:group to set for the file. The user and group can either be an ID (1000:1000) or a name (foo:bar). If the group is omitted, it defaults to the same as the user. """ _args = [ Arg("path", path), Arg("contents", contents, None), Arg("permissions", permissions, None), Arg("owner", owner, None), ] _ctx = self._select("withNewFile", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def with_registry_auth( self, address: str, username: str, secret: "Secret", ) -> "Container": """Retrieves this container with a registry authentication for a given address. Parameters ---------- address: Registry's address to bind the authentication to. Formatted as [host]/[user]/[repo]:[tag] (e.g. username: The username of the registry's account (e.g., "Dagger"). secret: The API key, password or token to authenticate to this registry. """ _args = [ Arg("address", address), Arg("username", username), Arg("secret", secret), ] _ctx = self._select("withRegistryAuth", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def with_rootfs(self, id: "Directory") -> "Container": """Initializes this container from this DirectoryID.""" _args = [ Arg("id", id), ] _ctx = self._select("withRootfs", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def with_secret_variable(self, name: str, secret: "Secret") -> "Container": """Retrieves this container plus an env variable containing the given secret. Parameters ---------- name: The name of the secret variable (e.g., "API_SECRET"). secret: The identifier of the secret value. """ _args = [ Arg("name", name), Arg("secret", secret), ] _ctx = self._select("withSecretVariable", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def with_service_binding(self, alias: str, service: "Container") -> "Container": """Establish a runtime dependency on a service. The service will be started automatically when needed and detached when it is no longer needed, executing the default command if none is set. The service will be reachable from the container via the provided hostname alias. The service dependency will also convey to any files or directories produced by the container. Currently experimental; set _EXPERIMENTAL_DAGGER_SERVICES_DNS=0 to disable. Parameters ---------- alias: A name that can be used to reach the service from the container service: Identifier of the service container """ _args = [ Arg("alias", alias), Arg("service", service), ] _ctx = self._select("withServiceBinding", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def with_unix_socket( self, path: str, source: "Socket", owner: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "Container": """Retrieves this container plus a socket forwarded to the given Unix socket path. Parameters ---------- path: Location of the forwarded Unix socket (e.g., "/tmp/socket"). source: Identifier of the socket to forward. owner: A user:group to set for the mounted socket. The user and group can either be an ID (1000:1000) or a name (foo:bar). If the group is omitted, it defaults to the same as the user. """ _args = [ Arg("path", path), Arg("source", source), Arg("owner", owner, None), ] _ctx = self._select("withUnixSocket", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def with_user(self, name: str) -> "Container": """Retrieves this container with a different command user. Parameters ---------- name: The user to set (e.g., "root"). """ _args = [ Arg("name", name), ] _ctx = self._select("withUser", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def with_workdir(self, path: str) -> "Container": """Retrieves this container with a different working directory. Parameters ---------- path: The path to set as the working directory (e.g., "/app"). """ _args = [ Arg("path", path), ] _ctx = self._select("withWorkdir", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def without_env_variable(self, name: str) -> "Container": """Retrieves this container minus the given environment variable. Parameters ---------- name: The name of the environment variable (e.g., "HOST"). """ _args = [ Arg("name", name), ] _ctx = self._select("withoutEnvVariable", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def without_exposed_port( self, port: int, protocol: Optional[NetworkProtocol] = None, ) -> "Container": """Unexpose a previously exposed port. Currently experimental; set _EXPERIMENTAL_DAGGER_SERVICES_DNS=0 to disable. Parameters ---------- port: Port number to unexpose protocol: Port protocol to unexpose """ _args = [ Arg("port", port), Arg("protocol", protocol, None), ] _ctx = self._select("withoutExposedPort", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def without_label(self, name: str) -> "Container": """Retrieves this container minus the given environment label. Parameters ---------- name: The name of the label to remove (e.g., "org.opencontainers.artifact.created"). """ _args = [ Arg("name", name), ] _ctx = self._select("withoutLabel", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def without_mount(self, path: str) -> "Container": """Retrieves this container after unmounting everything at the given path. Parameters ---------- path: Location of the cache directory (e.g., "/cache/node_modules"). """ _args = [ Arg("path", path), ] _ctx = self._select("withoutMount", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def without_registry_auth(self, address: str) -> "Container": """Retrieves this container without the registry authentication of a given address. Parameters ---------- address: Registry's address to remove the authentication from. Formatted as [host]/[user]/[repo]:[tag] (e.g. """ _args = [ Arg("address", address), ] _ctx = self._select("withoutRegistryAuth", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def without_unix_socket(self, path: str) -> "Container": """Retrieves this container with a previously added Unix socket removed. Parameters ---------- path: Location of the socket to remove (e.g., "/tmp/socket"). """ _args = [ Arg("path", path), ] _ctx = self._select("withoutUnixSocket", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck async def workdir(self) -> Optional[str]: """Retrieves the working directory for all commands. Returns ------- Optional[str] The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("workdir", _args) return await _ctx.execute(Optional[str])
[docs]class Directory(Type): """A directory."""
[docs] @typecheck def diff(self, other: "Directory") -> "Directory": """Gets the difference between this directory and an another directory. Parameters ---------- other: Identifier of the directory to compare. """ _args = [ Arg("other", other), ] _ctx = self._select("diff", _args) return Directory(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def directory(self, path: str) -> "Directory": """Retrieves a directory at the given path. Parameters ---------- path: Location of the directory to retrieve (e.g., "/src"). """ _args = [ Arg("path", path), ] _ctx = self._select("directory", _args) return Directory(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def docker_build( self, dockerfile: Optional[str] = None, platform: Optional[Platform] = None, build_args: Optional[Sequence[BuildArg]] = None, target: Optional[str] = None, secrets: Optional[Sequence["Secret"]] = None, ) -> Container: """Builds a new Docker container from this directory. Parameters ---------- dockerfile: Path to the Dockerfile to use (e.g., "frontend.Dockerfile"). Defaults: './Dockerfile'. platform: The platform to build. build_args: Build arguments to use in the build. target: Target build stage to build. secrets: Secrets to pass to the build. They will be mounted at /run/secrets/[secret-name]. """ _args = [ Arg("dockerfile", dockerfile, None), Arg("platform", platform, None), Arg("buildArgs", build_args, None), Arg("target", target, None), Arg("secrets", secrets, None), ] _ctx = self._select("dockerBuild", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck async def entries(self, path: Optional[str] = None) -> list[str]: """Returns a list of files and directories at the given path. Parameters ---------- path: Location of the directory to look at (e.g., "/src"). Returns ------- list[str] The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args = [ Arg("path", path, None), ] _ctx = self._select("entries", _args) return await _ctx.execute(list[str])
[docs] @typecheck async def export(self, path: str) -> bool: """Writes the contents of the directory to a path on the host. Parameters ---------- path: Location of the copied directory (e.g., "logs/"). Returns ------- bool The `Boolean` scalar type represents `true` or `false`. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args = [ Arg("path", path), ] _ctx = self._select("export", _args) return await _ctx.execute(bool)
[docs] @typecheck def file(self, path: str) -> "File": """Retrieves a file at the given path. Parameters ---------- path: Location of the file to retrieve (e.g., ""). """ _args = [ Arg("path", path), ] _ctx = self._select("file", _args) return File(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck async def id(self) -> DirectoryID: """The content-addressed identifier of the directory. Note ---- This is lazyly evaluated, no operation is actually run. Returns ------- DirectoryID A content-addressed directory identifier. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("id", _args) return await _ctx.execute(DirectoryID)
[docs] @typecheck def pipeline( self, name: str, description: Optional[str] = None, labels: Optional[Sequence[PipelineLabel]] = None, ) -> "Directory": """Creates a named sub-pipeline Parameters ---------- name: Pipeline name. description: Pipeline description. labels: Pipeline labels. """ _args = [ Arg("name", name), Arg("description", description, None), Arg("labels", labels, None), ] _ctx = self._select("pipeline", _args) return Directory(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def with_directory( self, path: str, directory: "Directory", exclude: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, include: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ) -> "Directory": """Retrieves this directory plus a directory written at the given path. Parameters ---------- path: Location of the written directory (e.g., "/src/"). directory: Identifier of the directory to copy. exclude: Exclude artifacts that match the given pattern (e.g., ["node_modules/", ".git*"]). include: Include only artifacts that match the given pattern (e.g., ["app/", "package.*"]). """ _args = [ Arg("path", path), Arg("directory", directory), Arg("exclude", exclude, None), Arg("include", include, None), ] _ctx = self._select("withDirectory", _args) return Directory(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def with_file( self, path: str, source: "File", permissions: Optional[int] = None, ) -> "Directory": """Retrieves this directory plus the contents of the given file copied to the given path. Parameters ---------- path: Location of the copied file (e.g., "/file.txt"). source: Identifier of the file to copy. permissions: Permission given to the copied file (e.g., 0600). Default: 0644. """ _args = [ Arg("path", path), Arg("source", source), Arg("permissions", permissions, None), ] _ctx = self._select("withFile", _args) return Directory(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def with_new_directory( self, path: str, permissions: Optional[int] = None, ) -> "Directory": """Retrieves this directory plus a new directory created at the given path. Parameters ---------- path: Location of the directory created (e.g., "/logs"). permissions: Permission granted to the created directory (e.g., 0777). Default: 0755. """ _args = [ Arg("path", path), Arg("permissions", permissions, None), ] _ctx = self._select("withNewDirectory", _args) return Directory(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def with_new_file( self, path: str, contents: str, permissions: Optional[int] = None, ) -> "Directory": """Retrieves this directory plus a new file written at the given path. Parameters ---------- path: Location of the written file (e.g., "/file.txt"). contents: Content of the written file (e.g., "Hello world!"). permissions: Permission given to the copied file (e.g., 0600). Default: 0644. """ _args = [ Arg("path", path), Arg("contents", contents), Arg("permissions", permissions, None), ] _ctx = self._select("withNewFile", _args) return Directory(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def with_timestamps(self, timestamp: int) -> "Directory": """Retrieves this directory with all file/dir timestamps set to the given time. Parameters ---------- timestamp: Timestamp to set dir/files in. Formatted in seconds following Unix epoch (e.g., 1672531199). """ _args = [ Arg("timestamp", timestamp), ] _ctx = self._select("withTimestamps", _args) return Directory(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def without_directory(self, path: str) -> "Directory": """Retrieves this directory with the directory at the given path removed. Parameters ---------- path: Location of the directory to remove (e.g., ".github/"). """ _args = [ Arg("path", path), ] _ctx = self._select("withoutDirectory", _args) return Directory(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def without_file(self, path: str) -> "Directory": """Retrieves this directory with the file at the given path removed. Parameters ---------- path: Location of the file to remove (e.g., "/file.txt"). """ _args = [ Arg("path", path), ] _ctx = self._select("withoutFile", _args) return Directory(_ctx)
[docs]class EnvVariable(Type): """A simple key value object that represents an environment variable."""
[docs] @typecheck async def name(self) -> str: """The environment variable name. Returns ------- str The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("name", _args) return await _ctx.execute(str)
[docs] @typecheck async def value(self) -> str: """The environment variable value. Returns ------- str The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("value", _args) return await _ctx.execute(str)
[docs]class File(Type): """A file."""
[docs] @typecheck async def contents(self) -> str: """Retrieves the contents of the file. Returns ------- str The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("contents", _args) return await _ctx.execute(str)
[docs] @typecheck async def export(self, path: str) -> bool: """Writes the file to a file path on the host. Parameters ---------- path: Location of the written directory (e.g., "output.txt"). Returns ------- bool The `Boolean` scalar type represents `true` or `false`. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args = [ Arg("path", path), ] _ctx = self._select("export", _args) return await _ctx.execute(bool)
[docs] @typecheck async def id(self) -> FileID: """Retrieves the content-addressed identifier of the file. Note ---- This is lazyly evaluated, no operation is actually run. Returns ------- FileID A file identifier. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("id", _args) return await _ctx.execute(FileID)
[docs] @typecheck def secret(self) -> "Secret": """Retrieves a secret referencing the contents of this file. .. deprecated:: insecure, leaves secret in cache. Superseded by :py:meth:`set_secret` """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("secret", _args) return Secret(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck async def size(self) -> int: """Gets the size of the file, in bytes. Returns ------- int The `Int` scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("size", _args) return await _ctx.execute(int)
[docs] @typecheck def with_timestamps(self, timestamp: int) -> "File": """Retrieves this file with its created/modified timestamps set to the given time. Parameters ---------- timestamp: Timestamp to set dir/files in. Formatted in seconds following Unix epoch (e.g., 1672531199). """ _args = [ Arg("timestamp", timestamp), ] _ctx = self._select("withTimestamps", _args) return File(_ctx)
[docs]class GitRef(Type): """A git ref (tag, branch or commit)."""
[docs] @typecheck async def digest(self) -> str: """The digest of the current value of this ref. Returns ------- str The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("digest", _args) return await _ctx.execute(str)
[docs] @typecheck def tree( self, ssh_known_hosts: Optional[str] = None, ssh_auth_socket: Optional["Socket"] = None, ) -> Directory: """The filesystem tree at this ref.""" _args = [ Arg("sshKnownHosts", ssh_known_hosts, None), Arg("sshAuthSocket", ssh_auth_socket, None), ] _ctx = self._select("tree", _args) return Directory(_ctx)
[docs]class GitRepository(Type): """A git repository."""
[docs] @typecheck def branch(self, name: str) -> GitRef: """Returns details on one branch. Parameters ---------- name: Branch's name (e.g., "main"). """ _args = [ Arg("name", name), ] _ctx = self._select("branch", _args) return GitRef(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck async def branches(self) -> list[str]: """Lists of branches on the repository. Returns ------- list[str] The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("branches", _args) return await _ctx.execute(list[str])
[docs] @typecheck def commit(self, id: str) -> GitRef: """Returns details on one commit. Parameters ---------- id: Identifier of the commit (e.g., "b6315d8f2810962c601af73f86831f6866ea798b"). """ _args = [ Arg("id", id), ] _ctx = self._select("commit", _args) return GitRef(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def tag(self, name: str) -> GitRef: """Returns details on one tag. Parameters ---------- name: Tag's name (e.g., "v0.3.9"). """ _args = [ Arg("name", name), ] _ctx = self._select("tag", _args) return GitRef(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck async def tags(self) -> list[str]: """Lists of tags on the repository. Returns ------- list[str] The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("tags", _args) return await _ctx.execute(list[str])
[docs]class Host(Type): """Information about the host execution environment."""
[docs] @typecheck def directory( self, path: str, exclude: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, include: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ) -> Directory: """Accesses a directory on the host. Parameters ---------- path: Location of the directory to access (e.g., "."). exclude: Exclude artifacts that match the given pattern (e.g., ["node_modules/", ".git*"]). include: Include only artifacts that match the given pattern (e.g., ["app/", "package.*"]). """ _args = [ Arg("path", path), Arg("exclude", exclude, None), Arg("include", include, None), ] _ctx = self._select("directory", _args) return Directory(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def env_variable(self, name: str) -> "HostVariable": """Accesses an environment variable on the host. Parameters ---------- name: Name of the environment variable (e.g., "PATH"). """ _args = [ Arg("name", name), ] _ctx = self._select("envVariable", _args) return HostVariable(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def unix_socket(self, path: str) -> "Socket": """Accesses a Unix socket on the host. Parameters ---------- path: Location of the Unix socket (e.g., "/var/run/docker.sock"). """ _args = [ Arg("path", path), ] _ctx = self._select("unixSocket", _args) return Socket(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def workdir( self, exclude: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, include: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ) -> Directory: """Retrieves the current working directory on the host. .. deprecated:: Use :py:meth:`directory` with path set to '.' instead. Parameters ---------- exclude: Exclude artifacts that match the given pattern (e.g., ["node_modules/", ".git*"]). include: Include only artifacts that match the given pattern (e.g., ["app/", "package.*"]). """ _args = [ Arg("exclude", exclude, None), Arg("include", include, None), ] _ctx = self._select("workdir", _args) return Directory(_ctx)
[docs]class HostVariable(Type): """An environment variable on the host environment."""
[docs] @typecheck def secret(self) -> "Secret": """A secret referencing the value of this variable. .. deprecated:: been superseded by :py:meth:`set_secret` """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("secret", _args) return Secret(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck async def value(self) -> str: """The value of this variable. Returns ------- str The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("value", _args) return await _ctx.execute(str)
[docs]class Label(Type): """A simple key value object that represents a label."""
[docs] @typecheck async def name(self) -> str: """The label name. Returns ------- str The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("name", _args) return await _ctx.execute(str)
[docs] @typecheck async def value(self) -> str: """The label value. Returns ------- str The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("value", _args) return await _ctx.execute(str)
[docs]class Port(Type): """A port exposed by a container."""
[docs] @typecheck async def description(self) -> Optional[str]: """The port description. Returns ------- Optional[str] The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("description", _args) return await _ctx.execute(Optional[str])
[docs] @typecheck async def port(self) -> int: """The port number. Returns ------- int The `Int` scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("port", _args) return await _ctx.execute(int)
[docs] @typecheck async def protocol(self) -> NetworkProtocol: """The transport layer network protocol. Returns ------- NetworkProtocol Transport layer network protocol associated to a port. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("protocol", _args) return await _ctx.execute(NetworkProtocol)
[docs]class Project(Type): """A collection of Dagger resources that can be queried and invoked."""
[docs] @typecheck def commands(self) -> "ProjectCommand": """Commands provided by this project""" _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("commands", _args) return ProjectCommand(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck async def id(self) -> str: """A unique identifier for this project. Note ---- This is lazyly evaluated, no operation is actually run. Returns ------- str The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("id", _args) return await _ctx.execute(str)
[docs] @typecheck def load( self, source: Directory, config_path: str, ) -> "Project": """Initialize this project from the given directory and config path""" _args = [ Arg("source", source), Arg("configPath", config_path), ] _ctx = self._select("load", _args) return Project(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck async def name(self) -> str: """Name of the project Returns ------- str The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("name", _args) return await _ctx.execute(str)
[docs]class ProjectCommand(Type): """A command defined in a project that can be invoked from the CLI."""
[docs] @typecheck async def description(self) -> Optional[str]: """Documentation for what this command does. Returns ------- Optional[str] The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("description", _args) return await _ctx.execute(Optional[str])
[docs] @typecheck def flags(self) -> "ProjectCommandFlag": """Flags accepted by this command.""" _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("flags", _args) return ProjectCommandFlag(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck async def id(self) -> str: """A unique identifier for this command. Note ---- This is lazyly evaluated, no operation is actually run. Returns ------- str The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("id", _args) return await _ctx.execute(str)
[docs] @typecheck async def name(self) -> str: """The name of the command. Returns ------- str The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("name", _args) return await _ctx.execute(str)
[docs] @typecheck def subcommands(self) -> "ProjectCommand": """Subcommands, if any, that this command provides.""" _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("subcommands", _args) return ProjectCommand(_ctx)
[docs]class ProjectCommandFlag(Type): """A flag accepted by a project command."""
[docs] @typecheck async def description(self) -> Optional[str]: """Documentation for what this flag sets. Returns ------- Optional[str] The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("description", _args) return await _ctx.execute(Optional[str])
[docs] @typecheck async def name(self) -> str: """The name of the flag. Returns ------- str The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("name", _args) return await _ctx.execute(str)
[docs]class Client(Root):
[docs] @typecheck def cache_volume(self, key: str) -> CacheVolume: """Constructs a cache volume for a given cache key. Parameters ---------- key: A string identifier to target this cache volume (e.g., "modules- cache"). """ _args = [ Arg("key", key), ] _ctx = self._select("cacheVolume", _args) return CacheVolume(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def container( self, id: Optional[ContainerID] = None, platform: Optional[Platform] = None, ) -> Container: """Loads a container from ID. Null ID returns an empty container (scratch). Optional platform argument initializes new containers to execute and publish as that platform. Platform defaults to that of the builder's host. """ _args = [ Arg("id", id, None), Arg("platform", platform, None), ] _ctx = self._select("container", _args) return Container(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck async def default_platform(self) -> Platform: """The default platform of the builder. Returns ------- Platform The platform config OS and architecture in a Container. The format is [os]/[platform]/[version] (e.g., "darwin/arm64/v7", "windows/amd64", "linux/arm64"). Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("defaultPlatform", _args) return await _ctx.execute(Platform)
[docs] @typecheck def directory(self, id: Optional[DirectoryID] = None) -> Directory: """Load a directory by ID. No argument produces an empty directory.""" _args = [ Arg("id", id, None), ] _ctx = self._select("directory", _args) return Directory(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def file(self, id: FileID) -> File: """Loads a file by ID.""" _args = [ Arg("id", id), ] _ctx = self._select("file", _args) return File(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def git( self, url: str, keep_git_dir: Optional[bool] = None, experimental_service_host: Optional[Container] = None, ) -> GitRepository: """Queries a git repository. Parameters ---------- url: Url of the git repository. Can be formatted as https://{host}/{owner}/{repo}, git@{host}/{owner}/{repo} Suffix ".git" is optional. keep_git_dir: Set to true to keep .git directory. experimental_service_host: A service which must be started before the repo is fetched. """ _args = [ Arg("url", url), Arg("keepGitDir", keep_git_dir, None), Arg("experimentalServiceHost", experimental_service_host, None), ] _ctx = self._select("git", _args) return GitRepository(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def host(self) -> Host: """Queries the host environment.""" _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("host", _args) return Host(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def http( self, url: str, experimental_service_host: Optional[Container] = None, ) -> File: """Returns a file containing an http remote url content. Parameters ---------- url: HTTP url to get the content from (e.g., ""). experimental_service_host: A service which must be started before the URL is fetched. """ _args = [ Arg("url", url), Arg("experimentalServiceHost", experimental_service_host, None), ] _ctx = self._select("http", _args) return File(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def pipeline( self, name: str, description: Optional[str] = None, labels: Optional[Sequence[PipelineLabel]] = None, ) -> "Client": """Creates a named sub-pipeline. Parameters ---------- name: Pipeline name. description: Pipeline description. labels: Pipeline labels. """ _args = [ Arg("name", name), Arg("description", description, None), Arg("labels", labels, None), ] _ctx = self._select("pipeline", _args) return Client(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def project(self, id: Optional[ProjectID] = None) -> Project: """Load a project from ID.""" _args = [ Arg("id", id, None), ] _ctx = self._select("project", _args) return Project(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def project_command( self, id: Optional[ProjectCommandID] = None, ) -> ProjectCommand: """Load a project command from ID.""" _args = [ Arg("id", id, None), ] _ctx = self._select("projectCommand", _args) return ProjectCommand(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def secret(self, id: SecretID) -> "Secret": """Loads a secret from its ID.""" _args = [ Arg("id", id), ] _ctx = self._select("secret", _args) return Secret(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def set_secret(self, name: str, plaintext: str) -> "Secret": """Sets a secret given a user defined name to its plaintext and returns the secret. Parameters ---------- name: The user defined name for this secret plaintext: The plaintext of the secret """ _args = [ Arg("name", name), Arg("plaintext", plaintext), ] _ctx = self._select("setSecret", _args) return Secret(_ctx)
[docs] @typecheck def socket(self, id: Optional[SocketID] = None) -> "Socket": """Loads a socket by its ID.""" _args = [ Arg("id", id, None), ] _ctx = self._select("socket", _args) return Socket(_ctx)
[docs]class Secret(Type): """A reference to a secret value, which can be handled more safely than the value itself."""
[docs] @typecheck async def id(self) -> SecretID: """The identifier for this secret. Note ---- This is lazyly evaluated, no operation is actually run. Returns ------- SecretID A unique identifier for a secret. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("id", _args) return await _ctx.execute(SecretID)
[docs] @typecheck async def plaintext(self) -> str: """The value of this secret. Returns ------- str The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("plaintext", _args) return await _ctx.execute(str)
[docs]class Socket(Type):
[docs] @typecheck async def id(self) -> SocketID: """The content-addressed identifier of the socket. Note ---- This is lazyly evaluated, no operation is actually run. Returns ------- SocketID A content-addressed socket identifier. Raises ------ ExecuteTimeoutError If the time to execute the query exceeds the configured timeout. QueryError If the API returns an error. """ _args: list[Arg] = [] _ctx = self._select("id", _args) return await _ctx.execute(SocketID)
__all__ = [ "CacheID", "ContainerID", "DirectoryID", "FileID", "Platform", "ProjectCommandID", "ProjectID", "SecretID", "SocketID", "CacheSharingMode", "ImageLayerCompression", "NetworkProtocol", "BuildArg", "PipelineLabel", "CacheVolume", "Container", "Directory", "EnvVariable", "File", "GitRef", "GitRepository", "Host", "HostVariable", "Label", "Port", "Project", "ProjectCommand", "ProjectCommandFlag", "Client", "Secret", "Socket", ]